Reaching for the Stars: A Publishing Roundtable
November 10, 2022
Join a group of DC editors and publishers in a conversation about building impactful journals and publishing programs. Topics of discussion include:
- Professionalize your journals: key actions to take
- What to consider when launching a library publishing program
- How to prepare your journal for the indexing process
- Marketing and social media
- Next Generation journals: new trends in the journal landscape
Recommended Citation
Chatterji, Promita; Amatangelo, Ellen; Donini, Graig; and Morgan, Kyle, "Reaching for the Stars: A Publishing Roundtable" (2022). Digital Commons Conferences. 3.
Graig Dinoni Presentation for Reaching for the Stars: A Publishing Roundtable
Kyle Morgan Digital Commons 2022.pdf (1618 kB)
Kyle Morgan Presentation for Reaching for the Stars: A Publishing Roundtable
Reaching for the Stars: A Publishing Roundtable
Join a group of DC editors and publishers in a conversation about building impactful journals and publishing programs. Topics of discussion include:
- Professionalize your journals: key actions to take
- What to consider when launching a library publishing program
- How to prepare your journal for the indexing process
- Marketing and social media
- Next Generation journals: new trends in the journal landscape