Most Recent Additions*
Closing Remarks
Saad Khan
Lightning Rounds - Part 2
Ellen Amatangelo, Elizabeth Parret, Abby Stambach, and Lee Dotson
Awards Ceremony
Paul Royster, Keri Baker, Ashley Sergiadis, and Wendy Walker
Lightning Rounds - Part 1
Andrea Quinn, Kenneth Haggerty, Phillip Fitzsimmons, and Tabitha Samuel
Digital Commons Journals Conversation: Exploring New Frontiers for Peer Review
Promita Chatterji Ph.D., Ronald Chenail Ph.D., and Sigmar de Mello Rode
Out of the Archive and into the Spotlight: Telling the Story of Your Institution Through Digital Exhibits
Ann Connolly, Alice Sherwood, and Courtenay McLeland
Digital Commons Institutional Repository: NOW – NEXT – FUTURE
Yoga Raghavaraju, Keri Baker, Mary Wu, and Elizabeth Jennings
DC IR All-Stars on the evolving IR landscape panel: Greatest challenges, key innovations, and exciting future trends
Ann Connolly, Paul Royster, Todd Bruns, and Lee Dotson
Better Together: Provide Comprehensive Showcasing and Research Management Services with Digital Commons and Pure
Randy Love, Yoga Raghavaraju, Todd Bruns, Devica Samsunder, and Ashley Sergiadis
Keynote Address
Judy Verses
A Warm Welcome
Saad Khan
OER in Your IR: How your institutional repository can support open education
Helena Marvin, Jessica Ryan, and Promita Chatterji
Powering your Institutional Showcase with Niche Collections
Chip Wolfe, Michelle Emmanuel, and Promita Chatterji
Light Years of Lightning Talks - Session 3.2
Luca Belletti, Rachel Evans, Erin Rushton, Caitlin Holton, Jacob Nunnally, Ashley D.R. Sergiadis, Kyle Johnson, and Rachel Walton
Light Years of Lightning Talks - Session 3.1
Promita Chatterji, Jonathan Jiras, Lee Dotson, Bobby Ciullo, Lily Dubach, Kerri Bottorff, Karen Ramsden, Darren Sweeper, Adam Duguay, and Ellen Neuhaus
3-2-1-Launch! Building Out-of-this-World Exhibits with DCX
Ann Connolly, Heidi Benedict, Susan McMullen, and Erica Finch
Feedback Session
Elizabeth Kaesmann and Saad Khan
*Updated as of 02/05/25.